Richmond Council of Garden Clubs


Church of the Epiphany,
Episcopal Diocese
8000 Hermitage Road
Richmond, Virginia 23228


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Tradition, Harmony, and Leadership of garden clubs in the Richmond area, since 1932

Our Mission

The Richmond Council of Garden Clubs, Inc., coordinates the interests of the garden clubs of Richmond and vicinity and promotes conservation, environmental protection, horticulture, and civic beautification through education and cooperation with other organizations.


Richmond Council of Garden Clubs, Inc.

Richmond, Virginia - Established 1932


The Richmond Council of Garden Clubs, Inc., was established in 1932 for the purpose of coordinating the interests of garden clubs in Richmond and the surrounding vicinity. The primary goals and mission are: to promote conservation, environmental protection, horticulture and civic beautification through education and cooperation with other organizations.
At one time, the Council owned the property called “Holly Lawn” which was built in 1901. This historic home is located at 4015 Hermitage Road, Richmond, VA. It was owned by the Council from 1969 to 1993 and was used as the headquarters and library. The Council added an auditorium wing to the property in 1973.
The Council submitted to the National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination Form and on August 26, 1982, “Holly Lawn” was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It was also added to the Virginia Landmarks Register on May 18, 1982.
Throughout its lengthy presence in the garden club world, the Council has achieved a lengthy list of accomplishments. And at the same time, it has made continuance contributions to Richmond and surrounding communities and member clubs. Yet to this day it continues to survive and find new and creative ways to expand its programs!
There are over thirty clubs that hold membership in the Richmond Council, which benefit from the goals established by the Council.


• Promote conservation
• Protect the environment
• Promote horticulture and civic beautification
• Provide education programs on floral design, horticulture and landscape design, etc.
• Cooperate with other organizations


We have a long history of outreach to the community to collaborate and implement projects to support our goals. One of the ways we accomplish this is by supporting these institutions:
Habitat for Humanity
Maymont Foundation
Horticulture Therapy
Nature Camp
Ronald McDonald House Charities
School Gardening

We provide Awards & Grants:
Metropolitan Landscape Design Grant
J. Malcolm Pace Awards
How to Apply • SEE: GRANTS

We provide Education Programs:
Calendar of Meetings, Special Events
House Tours and Standard Flower Shows

We provide Resources:
Speaker List
List of Judges
We are very grateful to have so many talented club members who volunteer their time, energy and extensive knowledge of horticulture, floral design and civic beautification. It is through their efforts that we are able to promote our programs and continue to look to the future of the Richmond Council of Garden Clubs, Inc.!