Richmond Council of Garden Clubs


Richmond Council of Garden Clubs - Membership Requirements

Active Membership

Any organized garden club in Richmond and vicinity. A club must be organized at least six (6) months and have a minimum of ten (10) active members. The application shall be presented in writing to the First Vice President with dues, list of officers, names and addresses of members, and a copy of the club bylaws for approval of the Council. Application for ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP

Associate Membership

Associate Membership: Any individual who is not a member of a Member Club, or an Organized Horticulture or Plant Society, approved by the Council. Request for membership shall be made in writing via an Associate Membership Application to the First Vice President including payment of dues. Associate Members shall have no voting rights and may not hold an office. Application for ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP.

Please complete the Application for Membership and include a check made payable to the Richmond Council of Garden Clubs, Inc. Following is the list of annual dues which is based on membership size.
• Member clubs with 51 plus members - $40.00
• Member clubs with 26-50 members - $30.00
• Member clubs with 11-25 members - $25.00
• Member clubs with 10 or less members - $15.00

To find out more contact:

Life Memberships

A Life Membership recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to education programs and horticulture projects. Richmond Council Life Memberships may be conferred on individuals from any individual or organized horticulture or plant society. Request for Life Membership shall be made in writing to the current Life Membership Chairman, including fee payment of $50. Life members who are not members of Council clubs shall have no vote and may not hold office. Life Membership bestows no special privileges or benefits.

Please contact Kay Rafner (, 804-677-5433) if you would like to discuss this project.